National Runaway Prevention Month (NRPM)

National Network for Youth (NN4Y) Hill Day Activities

November 20, 2013

Our goal is to elevate U.S. Congress’s awareness and knowledge of the urgent needs of runaway and homeless youth in America. To make these activities successful, your participation is paramount. The November 20th Hill Day activities include:

  • Call-in: All members, runaway and homeless youth providers, and allies will call their Senate and House representatives to educate them about runaway and homeless youth issues in their community. These calls will emphasize the value of Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA) funding in communities. A follow-up email to the aide you speak with is an effective tool.
  • Letter writing: Members, runaway and homeless youth providers, and allies will write letters to their U.S. Senate and House representatives to educate them about runaway and homeless youth issues in their community. These letters will specifically highlight the federal grant programs making an impact in their local communities.
  • Fact Sheets and pins distributed to every U.S. Congressional office in Washington, DC: Members, staff, and volunteers will go office-to-office handing out fact sheets and policy issues regarding runaway and homeless youth. A flyer we are circulating to get volunteers to distribute materials can be found here.

Please read this entire resource guide before contacting your representatives. We have compiled the following information and resources to assist your participation in these Hill Day activities in a downloadable resource guide:

  • Framing Your Advocacy: Specific information to convey in your phone calls, emails, and letters to your U.S. Representatives.
    Tips for Calling Federal Representatives: General how-tos and best practices for calling federal representatives, speaking to aides specific to the issue you are calling about, and emails to write as follow-up after the phone conversation.
  • Draft Letter to Federal Representatives: Use this draft to help frame the letters you send to all of your federal representatives. Feel free to use your own format or recycle a previous letter, but please include specific federal policy recommendations in your letters. Download this draft letter here.
  • Fact Sheet: We have composed this specific fact sheet for National Runaway Prevention Month Hill Day 2013. This fact sheet will ensure a unified message is sent to Congress. Print, send, fax and email this fact sheet to all of your federal representatives. Feel free to include your program’s brochure and fact sheets in the materials you send. You can download this fact sheet here. Also, we put together an RHYA and EHCY fact sheet, which you can download here.

Thank you for your participation in this Hill Day. Please inform us about what you have done so that we can reinforce your advocacy. Email Sebae Johnson detailing your advocacy activities and what response you received as a result. Please put “NRPM Activities” in the subject line of your email.