Published On: November 3, 20211.2 min read227 words

November marks National Runaway Prevention Month, aiming to shed light on youth homelessness. 

Did you know? According to Chapin Hall Voices of Youth Count study, 1 in 30 adolescent minors (13 – 17) and 1 in 10 young adults (18 – 25) endures some form of homelessness in a year.

​​Research has shown that family dynamics (i.e., conflict over rules, divorce, blended families, and teen parenting) strongly affect a young person’s desire to run away. By creating a safe and accepting home environment where youth are encouraged to be honest, the likelihood of them running away may be reduced or prevented.

What can you do?

  • Visit our website to learn more about the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act 
  • Download the social media graphics below and share them on your page
  • November 10: Wear Green Day – Dress in green to show your support for NRPM.
    Post a picture on social media with a message about your commitment to support runaway and homeless youth and include the hashtag #NRPM2021. Get creative and make this a competition in your office: first place to whoever wears the most green! The more creative, the greater the impact.
    Other fun ideas include:

    • Paint your nails green, or wear bright green makeup;
    • Wear a green wig or hat;
    • Dress your pet in a green sweater. 

The possibilities are endless, and they all serve as great conversation starters around NRPM.