Published On: November 18, 20211.8 min read367 words

U.S. Congress has not yet finalized the spending bills for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022. The federal government and its programs are currently operating under a continuing resolution (CR) until December 3rd. There is an expectation that the CR will be extended into the new year to give Congress more time to agree on final FY22 spending levels. 

FY22 funding at a glance:

  • Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA) program received a $13 million increase in both the Senate and House bills.
  • McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Act program received a $10 million increase in the House and a $40 million increase in the Senate.
  • HUD’s Youth Homeless Demonstration Program (YHDP) received a $10 million increase in the House and was flat-funded in the Senate.
  • Youth Homelessness System Improvement Grants is a new allowable funding category the Senate added with $25 million.
  • Homeless Assistance Grants (HAG) received a $400 million increase in the House and a $260 million increase in the Senate.

Click here to learn more about our policy request.

Runaway and Homeless Youth Act: Funding History + Current House/Senate FY 2022 Bill Funding Levels

RHYA Programs

FY 2021

President’s Budget FY22 House FY22 Bill (July 2021) Senate FY22 Bill (October 2021)

NN4Y FY22 Request

Basic Center Program (BCP)

$64.2 M

$68 M 

$126.8 M


$100 M 

Transitional Living Program (TLP) and Maternity Group Home (MGH)

$52.5 M

$55.7 M 

$125 M 

Street Outreach Program (SOP)

$20 M $21 M  $23 M $21.2M

$75 M



$145 M
(+8.3M from FY21)
$149.8 M
(+13M from FY21)
$150 M
(+13M from FY21)

$300 M
(would fund approx. 1,400 programs)

McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth: Funding History + Current House/Senate FY 2022 Bill Funding Levels

Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY)  FY 2021 House FY22 Bill (July 2021) Senate FY22 Bill (October 2021) NN4Y FY22 Request

$106.5 M

$116.5 M
(+10 million from FY21)
$146.5 M
 (+40 million from FY21)

$300 M

HUD Homelessness Program: Funding History + Current House/Senate FY 2022 Bill Funding Levels

HUD Programs

FY 2021

House FY22 Bill
(July 2021)
Senate FY22 Bill
(October 2021)

NN4Y FY22 Request

Youth Homeless Demonstration Grant Program (YHDP)

$82 M

$92 M
(+10 million from FY21)
$82 M (of which up to $10 million for technical assistance) 

$100 M

Youth Homelessness System Improvement Grants

$25 M ​​

Homeless Assistance Grants (HAG)

$3 B

$3.4 B
(+400 million from FY21)
$3.26 B
(+260 million from FY21)

$3.5 B