Published On: September 2, 20211.6 min read325 words

NN4Y calls on Congress to oversee federal agencies responsible for disbursing these funds and ensuring they reach all eligible persons, including young adults and families.

On August 26, the Supreme Court ended the nationwide eviction moratorium (or ban), which began in September 2020 and expired on October 3, 2021. The Court ruled that the CDC exceeded its authority by issuing the eviction moratorium. The decision ending the eviction moratorium takes immediate effect and is a binding precedent on all jurisdictions in the U.S.

Congress has provided billions of dollars in funding to states and localities to provide rental assistance to individuals and families and relief to landlords. NN4Y calls on all levels of government to disburse these funds to prevent homelessness of those facing eviction. We also ask that young adults and families are targeted to ensure they also benefit from available support.

The end of the eviction moratorium means many households are likely to face homelessness. This will significantly affect young people. The most recent Census Household Pulse Survey estimates that more than 210,000 young adults ages 18-24 are very or somewhat likely to lose their housing due to eviction. In addition, more than 810,000 18- to 24-year-olds have no confidence or little confidence that they can pay next month’s rent.

Several states have adopted statewide eviction bans. California’s eviction ban will last through September 30, the Illinois eviction ban will last until September 19, and New Jersey and Washington D.C.’s eviction bans will last until January 2022. New York is expected to expand its eviction moratorium through January 2022. In addition, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, and Oregon temporarily banned evictions against those with a pending rental assistance application. 


Those at risk of eviction – as well as service providers and landlords:

Find rental assistance 

Contact your local legal aid offices

Don’t forget to check out our Top 5 Ways ​to Use COVID Relief Money to Accelerate Progress on Ending Youth Homelessness.

USICH compiled this list of resources.