Published On: January 7, 20211.8 min read358 words

Dear Friends,

I imagine that if you are like us, you are shocked by the events that have unfolded in our U.S. Capitol today. National Network for Youth strongly condemns the assault on our U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump extremists who were incited by the president’s ongoing, baseless claims of voter fraud. They stormed the U.S. Capitol and forced Congress to evacuate as it prepared to formally recognize the presidential election results that elected President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris.

Let us be clear – these extremists sought to undermine our democracy and their actions of trespass, assault, and property damage were unlawful. We saw these white vigilantes commit violence and police stood by. However, when Black organizers seek justice – based in fact – police attack.

We are deeply saddened that these acts – clear threats to our democracy and the rule of law – occurred and that it resulted in the loss of life and many injuries.

From the past four years, we’ve learned how stressful it can be when the institutions we have trusted in the past are threatened. Please feel free to reach out to us, your work colleagues, if you need someone to talk to.

What happened yesterday in our nation’s capital are not how transitions of power should or have taken place in the United States for decades, and we will continue to support each other during this difficult time.

Our important work to transform systems, policies, and institutions continue and together we strive for peace and better days ahead. Please continue to stay safe.

In solidarity,

NN4Y Team

The National Network for Youth (NN4Y) is the nation’s leading network of runaway and homeless youth programs. The Network champions the needs of runaway, homeless, and other disconnected youth through strengthening the capacity of community-based services, facilitating resource sharing, and educating the public and policymakers. NN4Y members work collaboratively to prevent youth homelessness and the inherent risks of living on the streets which include victimization, exploitation, human trafficking, criminal justice involvement, lifetime homelessness or death. For more information, visit